'DUI' Kim Sae-ron withdraws from the play 'Dongchimi'... “For health reasons”

CTS Art Hall official: "We heard 'health reasons' through the theater company"

배우 김새론이 연극 동치미에서 하차했다. 사진은 지난해 3월 서울 서초구 서울중앙지방법원에서 열린 첫 공판에 출석하고 있는 김새론의 모습. /남윤호 기자

Source: Reporter Nam Yun-ho


[The FactㅣReporter Munhwa-young] Actress Kim Sae-ron, who caused controversy due to drunk driving, has withdrawn from the play ‘Dongchimi’.



On the 18th, a CTS Art Hall official announced to <The Fact>, “Kim Sae-ron is leaving the play ‘Dongchimi’.” He then explained, “I heard through the company that it was for ‘health reasons.’”



Initially, Kim Sae-ron began her return to activity by confirming her appearance in the play 'Dongchimi' to be held at the CTS Art Hall in Dongjak-gu, Seoul from May 3 to 12.



'Dongchimi' depicts the life of a family of five, from a father who is blunt but only cares about his family, to a mother who gives everything more than she has, and three siblings who have a chimney-like heart to be filial even though they still seem immature when they fight with each other.



In this production, Kim Sae-ron played the role of Jeong-yeon, her younger daughter, and was scheduled to run for a total of 6 performances. Until the 17th, Kim Sae-ron's name and photo were registered in the information section of the play 'Dongchimi'.



Previously, Sae-ron Kim was driving her car while drunk on a road in Gangnam-gu, Seoul in May 2022 and crashed into nearby facilities, such as a transformer and a guardrail. At the time, her blood alcohol content was over 0.2%, well above the 0.08% limit for license revocation.



Accordingly, Kim Sae-ron was sentenced to a fine of 20 million won in the first trial in April last year and temporarily suspended her activities. However, she recently became controversial once again when she uploaded a photo taken with Kim Soo-hyun, an actor from the same former company, on her SNS, suddenly deleted it, and consistently left a 'no comment' comment.


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