Song Ji-eun ♥ Park Wi, born to a couple who overcame paralysis... “Someone came to me as a gift.”


Song Ji-eun "The door of liking will open the moment I meet you for the first time."

가수 겸 배우 송지은(왼쪽)과 유튜버 박위가 공개 열애를 시작했다. /SNS 캡처
Source: SNS screenshot

[The FactㅣIntern reporter Soobin Choi] Secret's Song Ji-eun and YouTuber Park Wi are having a rosy relationship.

On the 21st, Song Ji-eun posted a photo with Park Wi on her SNS with the content: "I want to introduce to you a precious person who entered my life as a gift. She is my beloved."

Song Ji-eun said: "I want to share the news that I am in a beautiful relationship with everyone who has supported and followed Song Ji-eun for a long time."

He added: “Please pray and watch over my meeting with my lovely partner, who has a wonderful attitude towards life and a generous heart that loves everyone.”

He also said, "I will regularly welcome you through the YouTube channel 'Weracle' in the new year. Thank you for ending a good year."

Park Wi also posted on social networks: "After a difficult time, someone who was like a great gift for me came to me. He is a warm and considerate person. I met a someone with a soft heart but strong faith. Please support and pray for me." for our meeting," to Song Ji-eun. I uploaded a photo of us taken together.
유튜버 박위가 유튜브 채널 위라클에 첫눈에 반해 사귀게 된 우리 둘의 이야기 영상을 게재했다. /유튜브 영상 캡처

Source: YouTube video recording

Meanwhile, a video titled 'The story of the two of us who fell in love at first sight and started dating' was posted on Park Wi's YouTube channel 'Weracle', attracting the attention of fans. . The video features Song Ji-eun reminiscing about her first meeting with Park Wi.

Song Ji-eun said that she recently prayed for her husband and confessed, "I met Park Wi after the morning service at church. It was the first time I met him, and it was funny when I saw him." The door of my love for him has opened wide." ."

Park Wi smiled and said, "At that time, I went out without even taking a shower. Is that cool?" and recalls: "I heard the early morning service was good so I went out and was caught by one of the 15 people there." my eyes. I wonder what this is.”

Park Wi also asked Song Ji-eun, "Aren't you nervous about going on your first date with me?" Song Ji-eun replied, "I'm not worried. I didn't even think about it at first." When we meet. Honestly, I feel more comfortable. You don't have to walk long, you only go to places with wheelchairs so walking is very easy. “I just went to that place and it was so comfortable,” he said.

Park Wi is the son of PD Park Chan-hong, who directed the dramas 'The Devil', 'Beautiful World' and 'Brothers of Miracles', and also runs the YouTube channel 'Weracle'. He was diagnosed with complete paralysis after a fall in 2014, but has regained some motor skills through rehabilitation.


Song Ji-eun debuted in 2009 with the secret single album 'I Want You Back' and is currently active as a singer and actress.


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