Angel Young Tak donate nutritional supplements to low-income households... healthy sharing

On April 12th, a sharing ceremony was held at The Together New Hope located in Sinjeong-dong, Yangcheon-gu, Seoul.

지난 12일 가수 영탁의 선한영향력으로 사단법인 더함께새희망에 영양보조식 420팩이 전달됐다. /팬앤스타

Source: FanNStar


[The Fact | [Reporter Na-rae] Singer Young Tak's fan club showed their positive influence by donating nutritional supplements to low-income households.



On the 12th, a goods delivery ceremony was held for Young Tak Fan Club at The Together New Hope located in Sinjeong-dong, Yangcheon-gu, Seoul. Young Tak Angel participated in a project to donate nutritional supplements to low-income households in Korea during March through 'Fan N Star-Angel N Star'.


영탁 엔젤은 사단법인 더함께새희망에 영양보조식 420팩을 전달했다. 오른쪽 사진은 기초생활수급 가구에 영양보조식을 전달하는 모습이다. /팬앤스타

Source: FanNStar



The donation certificate released by 'Fan N Star' on the 26th said, "Thanks to Angel Young Tak's warm support, necessary items were delivered to low-income households." Accordingly, Together New Hope expressed gratitude to the donor and presented this certificate.



The Together New Hope is a non-profit NGO launched in 2014 and is an organization that works for the stability, independence, and recovery of vulnerable groups in Korea who suffer from welfare blind spots. The 420 packs of nutritional supplements delivered to Together New Hope will be used to provide meals to low-income households.



Meanwhile, 'Fan N Star' is participating in the fandom donation culture through 'Angel N Star'. April Angel N Star will be held from the 1st to the 26th.


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