Hye Ri donated 50 million won to Asan Medical Center in Seoul on her birthday

To support vulnerable or low-income groups in the medical field.


가수 겸 배우 혜리가 경제적인 어려움을 겪는 이들을 위해 5천만 원을 기부했다. /써브라임

Source: Sublime


[The FactㅣReporter Choi Soo Bin] Singer and actress Hye Ri spread good influence on her birthday.


On the 5th, management company Sublime announced that before her birthday on the 9th, Hye Ri shared love through donations. Hye Ri donated 50 million won to Seoul Asan Hospital, this amount will be used according to Hye Ri's wishes to support vulnerable or low-income groups in the medical field.


Hye Ri shared, "I participated in the sharing action with the desire to see more people dream of a healthy future after hearing the stories of people who had to give up treatment due to difficulty." Although my birthday is my own anniversary, I am very happy because I can share the joy and I will try to return everyone's love and become a more adorable Hye Ri in the future."


Previously, in 2019, Hye Ri became a member of UNICEF's high-end donor club, "Honor Club", by donating 100 million won to the "Schools for Asia" education program. Then, in 2020, with a donation of 100 million won to support children in the Daegu-Gyeongbuk area, where the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic are taking place strongly, Hye Ri was named in the "Save the Children Honors Club".


Hye Ri will meet the public through the Netflix entertainment show 'Agents of Mystery' which will be broadcast on the 18th and the movie 'Victory' which will be released this year.


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