TaeMin will hold a solo fan meeting in July...A magical space for fans

First fan communication event after moving to a new management company...Early ticket sales from the 12th.

그룹 샤이니 태민이 7월 13일과 14일 솔로 팬미팅 Never-Never(네버-네버)를 열고 팬들을 만난다. /빅플래닛메이드엔터



Source: Big Planet Made Entertainment


[The FactㅣReporter Mun Hwa Young] SHINee TaeMin creates a fantasy space with his fans.


On the 5th, management company Big Planet Made Entertainment announced that "TaeMin will hold a solo fan meeting '2024 TAEMIN FANMEETING [Never-Never]'". Along with that was the reveal of the official poster of the fanmeeting.


In Korean 'Never-Never' means 'magical', meaning a magical space where TaeMin and fans meet. The fan meeting will be held at Jangchung Sports Center in Seoul at 2pm and 7pm on July 13, and at 4pm on July 14, for a total of 3 sessions.


This fan meeting is TaeMin's first fan communication event since he moved to management company Big Planet Made Entertainment. After joining the new company, Tae Min created an SNS channel and established the official fan club 'TAEMATE' through the paid communication platform Fromm, creating diverse communication opportunities.


It is said that Tae Min organized this event to spend special time with fans on his birthday, July 18. Especially with meeting the first 'TAEMATE' for the first time, there will be special stages and talks to show his true value.


On the revealed poster, TaeMin's image is decorated to create a magical space to meet fans. This combines with the glitter and light stickers to enhance TaeMin's signature bright look.


The 'Never-Never' fanmeeting will open early ticket sales for fan club members via Interpark Global from 8 p.m, July 12 to midnight July 14, and officially sale from 8 p.m, July 14.


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