Angel Youngtak, donates snack sets with single-parent households... Good influence, 'warm'

영탁 엔젤이 가정의 달을 맞아 한부모 가정에 선물을 나눔했다.

Source: FAN N STAR




[The FactㅣReporter Son Hae-ri] Children's snack sets were delivered to single-parent families through the good influence of singer Young Tak.


On May 16th, a goods delivery ceremony was held by Angel Youngtak by Youngtak fans, at The Together New Hope located in Sinjeong-dong, Yangcheon-gu, Seoul. Young Tak Angel participated in a project to donate children's snack sets to single-parent households during the month of April through 'Fan N Star - Angel N Star'.


Young Tak's fans participated in this meaningful event to support Young Tak. Through Young Tak's good influence, children's snack sets were delivered to single-parent families in need. In celebration of May, Family Month, it was a source of strength to neighbors in need. In addition, Angel Young Tak shares with neighbors in need through consistent good deeds every month at 'Fan N Star - Angel N Star'.

영탁 엔젤은 더함께 새희망을 통해 한부모 가정에 어린이 간식세트 42박스를 기부했다.

Source: FAN N STAR


Meanwhile, a June project is underway at Fan N Star-Angel N Star for seniors who have served the country and are suffering from hardships.


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