‘Inside Out 2’ surpasses 2 million viewers... Faster than the previous part

Foreign films were released the fastest this year


12일 개봉한 영화 인사이드 아웃2가 픽사 애니메이션 최고 속도로 200만 관객을 모았다. /월트디즈니 컴퍼니 코리아

Source: Walt Disney Company Korea


[The FactㅣReporter Soobin Choi] 'Inside Out 2' reached 2 million viewers within 5 days of release.


According to the Korean Film Council's integrated computer network on the 16th, the movie 'Inside Out 2' (directed by Kelsey Mann) achieved the achievement of exceeding 2 million cumulative viewers on its 5th day of release. This achievement was achieved just one day after reaching 1 million viewers the previous day, on the 15th.


'Inside Out 2', which was released on the 12th, is an animated film about the crisis and adventure that begins again when unfamiliar new emotions such as anxiety, confusion, boredom and jealousy appear. Jealousy appears in the emotional control center of a 13-year-old girl Riley.


The work attracted 2 million viewers, 11 days faster than the record of 16 days set by Wonka, and is the only foreign film released this year to exceed 2 million viewers. Additionally, it is hitting the box office at the fastest rate ever for a Pixar animated film, surpassing 2 million viewers at a much faster rate than the previous film's record - 'Inside Out 1' (11 days) and 'Toy Story 4' (11 days).


‘Inside Out 2’ is being shown and received many compliments in theaters nationwide.


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