'24th Anniversary of Debut' BoA to hold a solo concert in October... interact with fans

October 12th and 13th at Seoul Olympic Park Handball Stadium

가수 보아가 데뷔 24주년을 맞아 단독콘서트 BoA LIVE TOUR - BoA : _Ones Own를 개최한다. /SM엔터테인먼트

Source: SM Entertainment


[The FactㅣReporter Munhwayoung] Singer BoA ​​will hold a solo concert in October.


On the 28th, BoA's agency SM Entertainment said, "To celebrate BoA's 24th debut anniversary, BoA will hold a solo concert 'BoA LIVE TOUR - BoA: One's Own' at the Seoul Olympic Park Handball Stadium on October 12th and 13th. “It will be held,” she said. With this, BoA plans to once again prove her presence as a 'legendary artist' through a high-quality stage.


This concert is held about 1 year and 7 months after the 20th anniversary concert held in March last year. Originally, they were planning to hold a 20th anniversary concert in 2020 along with the release of her 10th full-length album 'BETTER', but due to the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic, it was held three years later in 2023.


As it marks the 24th anniversary of her debut, she plans to fascinate the audience with a set list containing BoA's unique characteristics, including a colorful parade of hit songs as well as performance songs with unrivaled dance moves.


Pre-sale tickets will be held through the site Melon Ticket, with fan club presale opening at 8 p.m. on July 5th and official sale opening at 8 p.m on July 9th. After the Seoul performance, detailed information about additional holding regions will be released later.


Currently, BoA is active in various fields, including as a solo singer, actor, MC, talent show judge, and project unit GOT the beat. This year, she also took on the role of producing NCT WISH and showed her capabilities as a producer.


Among these, attention is focused on what BoA will show when she returns to her solo career and holds a solo concert.


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