Zion.T, leaving The Black Label... “Precious 8 years and 6 months”

The exclusive contract with The Black Label, which I had been with for a long time, ended.

Standard Friends established in 2022

가수 자이언티가 오랜 시간 함께했던 소속사를 떠나 새로운 도전에 나선다. /더팩트 DB

Source: The Fact DB


[The FactㅣReporter Kim Saet-byeol] Singer Zion.T expressed his feelings about leaving The Black Label, where he had been working for about 8 years.


On the 2nd, Zion.T announced on his SNS, "I have completed my exclusive contract with The Black Label, with which I have been working for the past 8 years and 6 months." He then looked back and said, “It was a precious time where I learned a lot about the world, learning a lot as an artist and co-workers even before the office was created.”


Previously, Zion.T left Amoeba Culture in 2016 and moved to The Black Label, founded by Teddy, a former YG Entertainment producer. Afterwards, in August 2022, he founded the creative company Standard Friends and began managing the company. Currently, Standard Friends includes rappers Wonstein and Giriboy.


Nevertheless, Zion T announced that he will do all of his activities with The Black Label. However, both sides decided to put an end to their eight-year partnership.


Zion.T said, "I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my teacher, Teddy, to those who have faithfully maintained their positions, and to the staff members who have passed by. I would also like to express my deep gratitude to my fellow producers and artists." In the end, he added, "I look forward to seeing how things go in the future."


Since his debut in 2011, Zion.T has received a lot of love with songs such as ‘Yanghwa Brdg’, ‘Just’ and ‘Eat’. Recently, he became a hot topic by starting a public relationship with Twice Chaeyoung.


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