Psy's 'SUMMERSWAG' in Gwacheon temporarily suspend due to heavy rain

"Safety is the top priority" 

가수 싸이의 여름 콘서트 흠뻑쇼 2024가 돌발 기상 악화로 공연을 중단했다. /더팩트DB

Source: The Fact DB

[The FactㅣReporter Lee Sae-rom] Singer Psy's summer concert '2024 Summerswag' was canceled due to unexpectedly bad weather.

The performance held at the parking plaza of Seoul Grand Park in Gwacheon on the 20th was stopped after one hour for safety reasons due to heavy rain and strong winds.

Psy's agency, P-Nation, said, "We judged that it would be difficult to carry out a normal performance due to bad weather such as local heavy rain and lightning with strong gusts, so we decided to suspend the performance to prioritize the safety of the audience and staff." P-Nation said that it plans to sequentially issue ticket refunds to the audience of the Gwacheon performance on this day through the reservation office, and confirm and separately announce details related to the repeat performance for ticket purchasers of the performance on this day as soon as possible.

Psy also posted on his SNS, "The sudden surge of rain, wind, and lightning was a situation I could not have predicted and had never experienced before. The safety of the audience and staff was the top priority in the unexpected situation caused by the rain, wind, and lightning." He expressed deep regret over the suspension of the performance, but also expressed gratitude to the staff and related organizations who did their best to ensure the safe return of the audience.


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