Angel Yang Joon-il, Sharing a Meal of Hope with Senior Citizens Who Have Merited the Nation…'Good Deed'

양준일 엔젤에 국가유공자 어르신들에게 미역국 컵밥을 나눔했다.

Source: FAN N STAR


[The Fact | Reporter Son Hae-ri] Thanks to the good influence of singer Yang Joon-il, seaweed soup was delivered to low-income senior citizens who have merited the nation.


On July 17, a gift delivery ceremony was held by Angel Yang Joon-il, a group of fans of Yang Joon-il, at The Together New Hope. Angel Yang Joon-il participated in a project to donate cups of seaweed soup to senior citizens who have merited the nation in June, the month of Patriots and Veterans, through 'Fan N Star-Angel N Star'. Yang Joon-il fans have been consistently doing good deeds through 'Angel N Star' - Fan N star, thanks to Yang Joon-il's good influence.


Angel Yang Joon-il participated in a project to share a meal of hope with senior citizens who have served the nation through 'Fan N Star - Angel N Star'. Yang Joon-il fans participated in a meaningful event with their hearts to support Yang Joon-il. When the warm-hearted cup of seaweed soup with Angel Yang Joon-il was delivered, the senior citizens who have served the nation expressed their gratitude. Some of the senior citizens even delivered handwritten letters saying, "Thank you for giving me warm seaweed soup since I am a person who has served the nation."

미역국 컵밥이 양준일의 선한영향력으로 인해 국가유공자 어르신들에게 기부됐다.

Source: FAN N STAR


Meanwhile, in August, Angel N Star is carrying out a project to deliver goods to families with disabilities who are experiencing difficulties. Attention is focused on who will be the main character of the 28th Angel N Star.


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