[2024 TMA] Kiss of Life to win 'Global Hot Trend'


Kiss of Life won 'Global Hot Trend' at '2024 The Fact Music Awards'

"All the audience stood up" Hot response proves popularity

<더팩트 ></div>가 주최하고 팬앤스타와 필링바이브(FEELINGVIVE)가 주관하는 2024 더팩트 뮤직 어워즈(2024 THE FACT MUSIC AWARDS, TMA)가 8일 오후 일본 오사카 교세라 돔 오사카에서 열린 가운데 글로벌 핫트렌드 부문을 수상한 키스오브라이프(KISS OF LIFE)가 소감을 밝히고 있다. /교세라 돔 오사카=이새롬 기자

Source: Reporter Sae-rom Lee


[THE FACTReporter Seung-hyeok Oh] The 'monster rookie' 4-member girl group KISS OF LIFE won the 'Global Hot Trend' award at the '2024 THE FACT MUSIC AWARDS (TMA)'.


On the 8th, Kiss of Life proved that they are growing into global stars by winning the 'Global Hot Trend' award at the '2024 The Fact Music Awards' hosted by <The Fact> and organized by FAN N STAR and FEELINGVIVE at Kyocera Dome Osaka in Osaka, Japan.


After receiving the award, Kiss of Life went on stage and said, "I would like to thank all the members of our agency who led us here, and I would like to thank the hair and makeup staff who made us look beautiful."


Leader Julie said, "I would especially like to thank 'KISSY' for giving us this award." Kiss of Life then asked, "What kind of stage have we prepared today?" and showed a slight sword-pulling, maximizing the anticipation of the audience on site.


The 'Global Hot Trend' award is given to a singer (or team) who leads the trend in the global music market. The winners were selected through objective data such as music source performances and album sales, and a fair and strict judging process by the judging panel. The singers' performances and criteria were based on music source and album performances from September 24th of last year to August 31st of this year.


<더팩트 ></div>가 주최하고 팬앤스타와 필링바이브(FEELINGVIVE)가 주관하는 2024 더팩트 뮤직 어워즈(2024 THE FACT MUSIC AWARDS, TMA)가 8일 오후 일본 오사카 교세라 돔 오사카에서 열린 가운데 글로벌 핫트렌드 부문을 수상한 키스오브라이프(KISS OF LIFE)가 소감을 밝히고 있다. /교세라 돔 오사카=이새롬 기자

Source: Reporter Sae-rom Lee


Kiss of Life debuted like a comet in the music industry in July of last year with their debut song 'Shhh' and gained attention from the public and critics with songs such as 'Bad News', 'Midas Touch', and 'Sticky', earning the title of 'Monster Rookie' just one year after their debut.


Kiss of Life, who recorded a career high by winning first place on a music show on 'The Show' on the 9th of the same month with the digital single Sticky released on July 1st, has proven their continued popularity by rising to 3rd place in the rookie idol group brand reputation rankings this month.


Kiss of Life, who are scheduled to make a super-fast comeback in October after three months, will hold their first world tour performances starting in Seoul on the 26th of the same month and moving on to Minneapolis, Chicago, Toronto, Montreal, Boston, Silver Spring, New York, Atlanta, Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Phoenix, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Anaheim, San Francisco, Seattle, and Vancouver, Canada, in about 20 cities.


The '2024 The Fact Music Awards' opened with a splendid ceremony held at Kyocera Dome Osaka in Osaka, Japan, co-hosted by broadcasters Jeon Hyun-moo and Seohyun.


The awards ceremony was attended by WOO!AH!, Kim Jaejoong, ITZY, JO1, aespa, NiziU, Kep1er, NewJeans, &TEAM, xikers, KISS OF LIFE, n.SSign, EVNNE, YOUNG POSSE, NCT WISH, UNIS, NEXZ, and more, decorating the splendid stage.



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