[2024 TMA] 'Hip-hop girl group' YOUNG POSSE, 'Hot Potential'

"We all love 'Teleposse'

"We received the award thanks to those who cheered us on"


<더팩트 ></div>가 주최하고 팬앤스타와 필링바이브(FEELINGVIVE)가 주관하는 2024 더팩트 뮤직 어워즈(2024 THE FACT MUSIC AWARDS, TMA)가 7일 오후 일본 오사카 교세라 돔 오사카에서 열린 가운데 핫포텐셜을 수상한 그룹 영파씨가 수상 소감을 말하고 있다. /교세라 돔 오사카=남윤호 기자

Source: Reporter Nam Yoon-ho


[THE FACTReporter Kim Soo-min] YOUNG POSSE was selected as 'Hot Potential' at the '2024 THE FACT MUSIC AWARDS (TMA)'.


On the 7th, YOUNG POSSE received the 'Hot Potential' award at the '2024 The Fact Music Awards' hosted by <The Fact> and organized by FAN N STAR and FEELINGVIVE. The 2024 TMA will be held at Kyocera Dome Osaka in Osaka, Japan on this day and the 8th.


After receiving the award, YOUNG POSSE went on stage and said, "First of all, I would like to thank everyone at the 2024 The Fact Music Awards who gave us this award," and "I am grateful for not only the award but also the opportunity to perform on a big stage."


They smiled brightly and said, "I think this award is possible thanks to all the staff members of Beats Entertainment and DSP Media, as well as everyone who has always come here and cheered us on."


She continued, "I'm so grateful to YOUNG POSSE's parents who gave birth to the members, and I'm so grateful and love you, Teleposse (fandom name). I'll always be a YOUNG POSSE who works hard."


The 'Hot Potential' award is given to a singer (or team) who has the potential to grow into the center of global K-pop. The winner was determined through objective data such as music source performance and album sales, and a fair and strict judging process by the judging panel.


YOUNG POSSE debuted in the music industry in October of last year by releasing their first mini-album 'MACARONI CHEESE EP' containing their own story. They were evaluated to have shown YOUNG POSSE's unique charm with a unique sound that had never been heard before and minimal beats. They pursued a 'hip-hop' concept unlike existing girl groups, and even earned the nickname 'Korean hip-hop'. In particular, their second mini-album 'XXL' paid homage to Seo Taiji and Boys' 'Comeback Home', which became a hot topic.


<더팩트 ></div>가 주최하고 팬앤스타와 필링바이브(FEELINGVIVE)가 주관하는 2024 더팩트 뮤직 어워즈(2024 THE FACT MUSIC AWARDS, TMA)가 7일 오후 일본 오사카 교세라 돔 오사카에서 열린 가운데 핫포텐셜을 수상한 그룹 영파씨가 수상 소감을 말하고 있다. /교세라 돔 오사카=남윤호 기자

Source: Reporter Nam Yoon-ho


The '2024 The Fact Music Awards' was held in Japan for the first time ever to commemorate the 10th anniversary of The Fact's first ceremony. Under the slogan 'NEW GEN FOR FANSTIVAL', the best festival created by artists leading K-POP and MZ fandom is being presented.


This awards ceremony will also continue the true meaning of 'fanstival' as fans can directly vote to decide the winner of the trophy every year. At the awards ceremony held at Kyocera Dome Osaka in Osaka, Japan on this day and the 8th, broadcaster Jeon Hyun-moo and singer and actress Seohyun will work together as co-MCs for the sixth time this year.


The '2024 The Fact Music Awards' is adorned with a splendid stage with artists such as YOUNG POSSE, Kim Jaejoong, ITZY, JO1, WOO!AH!, aespa, NiziU, Kep1er, NewJeans, &TEAM, xikers, KISS OF LIFE, n.SSign, EVNNE, NCT WISH, UNIS, and NEXZ.




The following is a list of winners from the 2nd day of the '2024 The Fact Music Awards':


Next Leader Award = NCT WISH


Hottest Award = Unis


Global Hot Trend Award = Xikers, Kiss of Life


Global Generation Award = &TEAM


Popularity Award = NewJeans


TMA Popularity Award = JO1


Artist of the Year Award = NewJeans, aespa, JO1, ITZY


World Best Performer Award = NewJeans, ITZY


Today's Choice Award = Unis


WorldWide Icon Award = NewJeans


Listener's Choice Award = aespa


Grand Prize = aespa



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