Lim Young-woong Angel, Sharing Ramen with Low-income Disabled Families… 'Good Influence'



임영웅의 선한영향력으로 장애인 가정에 라면 100박스가 전달됐다.

Source: The Fact


On the 30th of last month, the Lim Young-woong Angel, consisting of Lim Young-woong fans, held a gift delivery ceremony at the Hope With You. Lim Young-woong Angel participated in a project to share ramen with low-income families through 'Fan N Star-Angel N Star'. Lim Young-woong's good deeds provided a solid meal to vulnerable disabled families.


임영웅 엔젤은 장애인 가정에 희망을 전달했다.

Source: The Fact


Lim Young-woong was selected as the 28th Angel N Star. Lim Young-woong has proven himself as a singer with 'good influence' by being selected as an Angel N Star several times. In addition, Lim Young-woong won the Angel N Star Award at the '2024 The Fact Music Awards' held at Kyocera Dome in Osaka, Japan in September. Lim Young-woong said, "Thank you for the Angel N Star Award. I congratulate and thank the Youngwoong Era family as much as I am grateful for the award thanks to the fans," and gave the honor of the award to the fan club Youngwoong Era.


임영웅은 2024 더팩트뮤직어워즈에서 엔젤앤스타 상을 차지했다.

Source: The Fact


In addition, Lim Young-woong's good deeds were promoted through Red Eye on September 30 and the CM Board Hapjeong Angel Ads billboard from September 30 to October 13. Detailed exposure status can be checked through the Fan N Star YouTube.


임영웅의 선한영향력은 엔젤애즈닷을 통해 홍보되고 있다.

Source: The Fact


Meanwhile, a project is being carried out in October on 'Fan N Star-Angel N Star' to give hope to abused children who have been hurt by adults.



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