Youngtak Angel, Ramen Donation to Disabled Families Suffering from Financial Hardships …. 'Good Influence'

가수 영탁의 선한영향력으로 저소득 장애인 가정에 라면이 전달됐다.

Source: The Fact


[The Fact | Reporter Son Hae-ri] Singer Youngtak's good influence shared a hearty meal with disabled families suffering from financial hardships.


On the 30th of last month, a Youngtak Angels' goods delivery ceremony, consisting of Youngtak fans, was held at the Hope With You. Youngtak Angel participated in a project to share ramen with low-income families through 'Fan N Star-Angel N Star'. Youngtak's good deeds delivered a hearty meal to disabled families in vulnerable groups.

영탁엔젤은 장애인가정에 라면을 전달하며 든든한 한끼를 제공했다.

Source: The Fact

Youngtak Angel delivered hope to a disabled family. Youngtak is proving himself as a singer who has a 'good influence' by participating in a project that delivers hope to the vulnerable class through Angel N Star every month.


Meanwhile, a project to give hope to abused children who have been hurt by adults is being carried out on 'Fan N Star-Angel N Star' in October.


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