This is the manager of Fan&Star.
First of all, I apologize for the video of Shiny Minho's birthday.
Sunneung Station Screen Door Advertisement promised, is being replaced due to a faulty device.
So, it has been inevitably replaced by another product, and we have selected the best advertising location, so please get the this information.
Location: Located at Cheongdam Station (Line 7), 7 and 8 split (Fly to the Sky Advertisement is currently underway)
Currently, 1.3 million people officially use Cheongdam Station as of 1 month.
And if you go out towards Exit 6, SM building is located right around the station, so there's a lot of advertising going on for SM artists.
***Difference between Sunneung Station and Cheongdam Station**
Location: Sunneung Station / Cheongdam Station
Advertising: 180 exposures per day / 1 day sole exposure (One month)
Number of stars: 150,000 stars / 250,000 stars
***Difference between Sunneung Station and Cheongdam Station**
We are terribly sorry that we couldn't keep your appointment.